Saturday, January 7, 2012

New spinning and Some Experimentation (Pic Heavy)

So a few days ago I started a new spinning project with Polwarth from Gale's Art.  The colorway is called Mudpie, and it looks like it will be living up to that name.  Hopefully, it will be in a good way.  It looks like the color progression, the colors used, and the staple length will make this into  yarn that will be mottled at the very least

Here's the braid.

Here it is split into 2 braids.  I think the colors show better when it's split (and when it's not wrapped around a spindle).

Some of the progress on it so far:

After reading a  Ravelry thread, I decided to do a little experiment.  I wanted to spin some fiber into low-twist singles, wash, beat, etc.  and then unspin it to see if I could get stable singles.

Here you see the singles before washing.

 After the wash and stuff

When it was pretty much dried out and I had cut the felted knots out (oops), I let the yarn hang so the extra twist and then let the spindle hang from it.  After a bit, I stopped, but the end product then twisted in the hank (if you can call it that), so I just let it hang again.  Maybe I shouldn't have.

Here's the test swatch.  As you can see, it still has bias.

Next time (and there will be a next time), I'll make a larger hank and keep that spindle spinning to (hopefully) get rid of the bias.


  1. I think you did an awesome job! :D

    There are patterns written specifically for hand spun yarns and such... Leethal on Ravelry has a shitload of such patterns :)

  2. I did forget to check and see what handspun pattern Knitty put in the last issue.

    I should have another post up later today with the second part of the singles experiment. I'll see if letting that backspin in will help.
