Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back from the... Wherever

It's been a while since I've posted, and I've been up to a lot.  There are a lot of manis that never made this blog plus I've been doing some more crochet designing.

If you want to, hop on over to Crochet Spot to see my Open Shell Triangle Scarf (pay pattern) or Open Star Motif (free), or maybe the open Square Earrings (free) are more your style. I've even done a cutesy little Pencil Case (free). Aside from that, I'm also working on a series of tutorials for the techniques I've come up with for increasing and decreasing in foundation rows. The first one is a general increase tutorial that uses the single crochet foundation row for example's sake.

And guess what.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Glitter and Jelly

I finally took pictures of my last mani before I took it off.  I know in the last post, I said it would be a jelly sandwich, but then I decided to use loose glitter, which obviously wasn't going to sandwich well.  Still, I like the mani I ended up with even if taking the picture with the flash on made it look streakier than it actually was.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Triangle Tape Mani

This entry's mani was supposed to showcase some creamy greens, but my main color stole the show and left the accent looking kind of gray.  Even so, the tape mani came out pretty well, and I have to say the main color (Tropical Green by Ruby Kisses) is awesome.  I absolutely love it.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Return of the Stamp

It's been a while, and I've skipped posting so many manis.  Well recently, my SD card started cooperating with my camera and computer again, so I've been able to take pictures the way I like--snap a bunch now, weed them out later.  And it's a good thing because this mani was hard to capture.

I used two "hair store brand" polishes.  I went out looking for Jordana polishes originally--and I found them, but they didn't have any of the polishes or the topcoat I wanted. However, I did end up picking up a couple of other top coats that I ended up liking, so all's well that ends well.

Lets take a look at the results, shall we?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Another Online Gadget

Today I was liked to another online gadget to play with.  Something that I could spend all hours of the day messing around with. Meet inudge, a music mixer that allows you to share your creations.  Mixers are so much fun!  I used to love Coke Studios for this reason.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Mani in Plaid

I'm keeping this one short and sweet.  This one is exactly what it says on the box and neater than my previous plaid mani

Read on for the details.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bad Teenage Poetry: Voldemort

After some joking around on someone's Facebook post, I decided that it might be fun to do bad teenage poetry as written by fictional characters.  Let's see how that goes.  I'm starting off with the original from the Facebook thread.

One Day You'll See
by Thomas Marvolo Riddle

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fun with Foil

Playing around with Matte Me Crazy again, I decided to try using it over a foil. Because, yeah--have I mentioned how much I like matte over glitter? No?  Well, you'll soon find out.

Anyway, I couldn't leave it plain, of course and did a simple inverted V in purple.  Maybe it's lazy, but I'm going to use  an edited version of the phone picture I took. It's about the only way this entry is ever going to go up.  Besides, I'm antsy to do some experimenting.

You can see that there's some shine on the purple because it wasn't mattified. Also, I'm still bad at freehand.