Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pink Wednesday: Tastes Like Candy!

It's Pink Wednesday again and my nails look delicious!  Seriously nommable.  I've given into the idea that I am on a dotting kick and did my nails accordingly.  With no further ado, feast your eyes on these.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bam! Tutorial Spam

In the name of keeping this thing updated somewhat regularly and remembering it's not a nail blog, It's time for some tutorial spam.

The first one is something that I have no idea what to do with at the moment, but I love it and want to share because I may have an odd sort of love for scratch-offs.  I'm the person who gets the car dealership ads in the mail, takes off the key, and scratches all of the circles.  Then, of course, I don't do anything about my "prize."  Scratching is a reward in itself.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pink Wednesday of Fail

Okay, I said I would have a blog post up today, so that's what I'm going to do, even if this mani leaves much to be desired (and is still drying as I type this).

I've been having a bit of a nail art dry spell.  I'll put on a few coats of my base color, and that would be it.  I'd say I was going to stamp or dry marble or whatever, but it would never happen before the polish started to chip.  I'm still looking for something other than buying more polishes to kick me in gear.  A weekly challenge or something.

Anyway, here's a picture before I go into what's wrong with my nails.